Sunday, May 20, 2007

20070514 - With Luggage!

0830 (Geneva)
I extend my most hearty congratulations to British Airways for finally forwarding my luggage from London to me. Last night was well spent in Geneva; walking around at night, I was able to see the riverwalk, which features gorgeous architecture, sailboats, and what looks to be a 100' water spout in the middle of the river. I can only guess what this financial capital spends for that beautiful waste of energy, but I know it's worth the expense.

The weather here is very fair. I do not believe my hostel was air conditioned at all, but it was remarkably comfortable. I slept well for all 7 hours I was in bed, save the momentary disturbances from my roommates entering, and periodically coughing and sneezing. I believe I got slightly unlucky to be bedmate of 5 plague-stricken individuals. Hopefully my immune system has not been too shot by all the traveling and sleep deprivation over the last couple days.
Most remarkably, despite my lack of familiarity with the most basic aspects of life here, like walking across a street, I feel more at home than I have for the last 2 years in Alabama. I'm not as comfortable here in Geneva as I was in Austin, but I have the same feeling I had upon arriving at New York several years ago before deciding to live there, that this place could easily become a great home. Bicycles flow with the traffic. Signs everywhere indicate that restrictions upon cars, like one-way streets, stops, and no-turns, exempt bicycles and motorbikes. Busses have their own lanes, as do bicycles on many roads. Pedestrians have their own light which is just as prominent and important as the lights which direct vehicular traffic. Simply put, public transportation is a real priority. And the city is much more beautiful for it. I believe all the busses and trains operate off electric lines, making the city very clean.
I am headed now on a train to Fribourg to meet my hosts at noon. I should have some time before hand to catch a little of the city scenery, and perhaps have a snack.

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