Monday, June 18, 2007


It is Saturday, as I ride the train from Fribourg to Rome by way of Milan. My attention is torn between the snow-capped Alps out my window, and the terraced wine fields which are becoming more prevalent as I pass into Italian Switzerland. This train trip will take 9 hours, but I am happy for the time I'm getting to reflect and write. Too often as a tourist, time passes too quickly to appreciate the subtleties of beauty. My goal in Rome, therefore, is to find a nice cup of espresso, a beautiful sunset, and some relaxed thought. I hope this exists in Rome. In the mean time, I eat my jar of peanuts and olives happily.
On Monday I last left you while I waited for Ocean's 13 to begin. I loved the coffee shop before the movie, but I cannot recommend the movie. However, it was the little taste of America I've been missing; and it satisfied my inexplicable and guilty desire for some McFastFood.
On Tuesday, our group traveled to Lucerne. Everyone from Switzerland will tell you that their canton is the most beautiful, but it's always after someone from Lucerne has already spoken on the subject. Lucerne is certainly beautiful. When rock-slides have not forbidden its operation, Lucerne has the world's most-something lift. And it's big. When rock-slides have prevented the lift from working, you can take a really (perhaps the world's most-really) long funiculaire. Unlike the funiculaire in Fribourg, I don't think this one was powered by sewage-weight. At the top of this lift is an amazing view of Lucerne, looking far down on the lake and town. We made a barbeque at a park atop this hill and ate some wonderful Swiss meats. We also got to witness how much better the Swiss are than Americans at starting fires; let's just say there was no lighter fluid to use, yet their fire started just as quickly as if there were . . .
On Wednesday I studied for my Thursday exams. I was glad on Thursday to find 6 questions in the 3 subjects I elected to emit which required less than one page per question to answer. These were the best 3 law exams I have taken. I then spent Friday packing and preparing for this part of my trip, and soaking up as much of Fribourg as possible before leaving.
We have just passed though a long tunnel on this train, and are passing now through another. I believe we are in the transition through the Alps into the very Italian part of Switzerland. I will leave you and tend to my lunch, but we will speak again soon!
I will try to remember on my own, but if I forget, please remind me: I need to add moe pictures to this entry!

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