Monday, July 16, 2007


      Good cheerful morning to you, fellow travelers. It is not impossible, and perhaps not difficult, but certainly adventurous, to arrive in a foreign land and navigate one's way to a bed of uncertain existence. So it was last night that I managed to find my way by bus to the Plaza Cataluna at 3am. When an 11:45 arrival is delayed an hour, and you add on the time it takes to carefully collect as much information at the airport as may be useful later, then throw in a long bus ride, this is about right. I landed only several blocks from a hostel which probably had open beds, but decided that the concierge giving me directions to the hostel was friendly enough that I should splurge and get a hotel for the night, and enjoy proper sleep and proper shower. This morning, I have extended my splurge for 3 more days, and I am happy to write you from my private desk, freshly shaven, and feeling quite dapper. It feels _great to have a desk!
      So it is that I am here in my hotel enjoying the first bit of privacy and relaxation I've had in ten days. I will see the outside of the hotel soon enough, but for now I am pleasantly realizing that there is a reason to pay extra for better accommodations.

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